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Project Management Programs MBA/MS

A Master of Business Administration degree provides graduates with general management skills. Thus, students that want a job with managerial supervision over projects should seek out project management degrees or MBA programs with project management specializations to stand out. Project management skills are in high demand. The Project Management Institute estimates over one million project management jobs will be available each year through 2016. Respected schools with Project Management degrees or MBA with project management specializations include the University of California- Davis, Penn State University, Southern New Hampshire University, and Drexel University.


The California of University - Davis offers opportunities to study project management as a MBA student. UC Davis is a top 50 business school according to U.S. News & World Report. UC - Davis' recently overhauled its MBA curriculum to include more project management based courses. Their general management concentration focuses on project management as a potential career path. In addition all students are required to take part in a 20 week management project course. Admission requirements to this specialized MBA program include a $125 application fee and application, undergraduate degree, a GMAT or GRE score, official transcripts, essays, resume, and two references. Admitted students to the MBA program generally have 5 years or more of work experience, an average GMAT score in the 680s and a 3.3 GPA. UC- Davis is a good choice for students who want a MBA but prefer to specialize in project management. The Graduate School of Management does its best to place students after graduation and has a Career Development Center for its MBA students. Services offered include: on-campus interviews, recruiting programs, workshops, job listing databases, and individual counseling. 86% of the class of 2014 accepted a job position within three months of graduating.

Penn State University

Penn State University offers an online Master of Project Management degree. The 30-credit degree can be completed in two years. More importantly, Penn State's program is accredited with the Project Management Institute (PMI). Tuition is $930 per credit. Potential courses to take include varied options like Commercial Law and Project Procurement, Cost and Value Management, and Project Team Leadership among others. This program is a good option for individuals seeking a inexpensive alternative to the MBA and who would like to attend classes remotely and/or online. There is no class profile but the degree is designed for students involved in project management of some sort or construction management. This is also a good degree if you are looking to expand your career opportunities and skill sets. Applicants must possess a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. A completed application includes an online application, official transcripts, GMAT or GRE test scores, three references and a statement of purpose.

Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University offers an online International MBA in Project Management. The degree is designed for professionals in the construction, information technology, product development and consulting sectors. It teaches business leadership skills. Project Management MBA students take the following classes: Project Management, Seminar in Project Management, Quantitative Analysis for Decision Making, and Project Management for PMP Certification. Southern New Hampshire University's program is also accredited with the Project Management Institute (PMI). The program can be completed in just 15 months and can be started five times throughout the year. A completed application for admission includes official undergraduate transcripts, an online application and application fee, and a resume. No test scores are required.

Drexel University

One final option to consider is Drexel University's M.S. in Project Management offered through Drexel University's College of Engineering. The program is designed for mid-career professionals looking to acquire specialized skills applicable for a number of fields. The program is online and part-time. The average applicant to this program has 15 years of experience. The Project Management Institute recognizes this program. Many employers have partnerships with Drexel so students may be eligible for reduced tuition rates. Students most possess a bachelor's degree and a GPA over 3.0. Required documents for admission are the completed online application, transcripts, two letters of recommendation, resume, and a personal statement. The curriculum includes course like Project Estimation and Cost Management, Project Risk Assessment and Management, and Project Leadership and Teamwork

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